
Black Orchid Party

We Are The Black Orchid Party

We know the time has arrived to develop a transformative movement to undo the global travesties of capitalism. Our movement will be built on lived experience, theory and practice to create an internationalist perspective that unites the proletariat across borders.

Capitalists have developed sophisticated systems of oppression that exploit the labor power of the proletariat and desecrate our Earth in the process to produce more capital. Our oppression extends beyond our work environment and into how we navigate and perceive our surroundings. Capitalism has fine tuned the paradigms of oppression we are subjected to but, we the proletariat uphold the egregious values of this system. Racism, sexism, classism and homophobia among other ill ideologies preserve a structure replete of inequity.

We, the Black Orchid Party, aim to develop a revolutionary proletarian consciousness to successfully overthrow the capitalist class.

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